
Need Help?

You can ask your question or report an issue below.

Reason for Contacting Us:
Check all that apply...

Error or Problem
I am receiving an error page or have a problem entering, viewing, changing or deleting data.
I have a question about how to use the site or a particular feature of the site.
I have a suggestion for a new feature or enhancement to an existing feature.
Sending Data
I need to or have been requested to send patient, practice or payment information.
Uploading Data
I need to or have been requested to upload a file, such as a spreadsheet, containing patient information.
I am contacting support for another reason. (Please describe in detail below.)

Your Name:
Your Email Address:
Your Phone #:
Your Question/Problem:
Additional Details:
Please provide as many specific details to help us resolve any problem, error or question about the site, including...
  • What data you were specifically working on.
  • What page you were on.
  • What data you entered.
  • What button or link you clicked.
  • What error message was displayed.
Upload a File:
(No file selected)
Click to Select a File
You may upload a file to accompany this request, such as a screen shot, spreadsheet or other file.

If you are using this form to send HIPAA-sensitive information, such as patient identifying information, check this box to ensure that no data is sent via email or other insecure communication methods.